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- K3 H2 T5 z5 K/ B9 R8 D3 A7 Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb因為我最近用bt下載東西也是很很很很慢
係lo~你bt 既野無人做seed 姐~~~~~~
I have the same situtation.  I used to use bitcomet 0.91 that was very fast but I was stupit to down grade to 0.8.  Then, I find the 8.0 was slow so I changed it back to 0.91...don't know why, it become very slow...mega slow...sometimes, it is dead, even it has lots of peers.  I tried uninstalled it and re-downloaded it, but it is the same slow...please help...% a0 ]$ s% t" l" A9 H' t4 c
公仔箱論壇+ N0 P5 F  I+ _& f
Form my experience, it has many seeds but it can't download well.  Very abmornal..I am afraid my computer has problem because it nevers happens before.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ e2 Z7 h* s( r7 c

2 }* {& r# \) x0 btvboxnow.comAny suggestion???
me too,why it's so slow?how can l make it fast?


我剛剛下載咗 BitComet 0.91,但係慢咗好多。全部都冇種子,連一粒種子都冇,勁慢。我宜家都好麻煩。
me too.........
yeah, mine is very slow too. less than 10k/sec, can someone help?