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標題: [旅遊資訊] 係美國好悶呀 -.-" [打印本頁]

作者: rossho    時間: 2011-11-19 08:21 AM     標題: 係美國好悶呀 -.-"

作者: jjchoi    時間: 2011-11-20 08:04 AM

Show some examples ?
作者: allenwongking    時間: 2011-11-20 11:48 AM

no examples. just nothing to do here. bore like a hell... i agreed with rossho!!
作者: Chevia    時間: 2011-11-20 12:06 PM

作者: huit    時間: 2011-11-20 03:09 PM

Seriously, you guys just aren't suited to living in the West. I guess Asia's more for you if it's late night shopping or K or being able to download porn quicker.

You should listen to yourself talk once in a while, and see how ridiculous it is to expect a country of 300 million to adapt to your ways, and calling it "頹" because its people don't do what you do. Grow up.

What exactly do you want to do to be excited?
作者: hellosuki    時間: 2011-11-20 08:35 PM

作者: rossho    時間: 2011-11-23 11:16 AM

咁我又唔係話要成個美國就晒我~ 但係就係覺得佢頹~
留心我係覺得個國家頹 我係覺得悶但係唔頹~
As an Asian ofcoz Asia is more for me. I never deny that;] Asia rocks! HK rocks!
btw我唔係岩岩嚟 住得愈耐愈覺得佢頹
- 一落機係機場度連手推車都要比USD5~ 唔係窮到咁呀?
- 好似周圍既同學著既衫同佢阿爸果代一樣既~ 時空好似停留係40年前咁
- 有同學(大學生)連香港係邊都未知 以為香港係日本-.-"
- 香港70年代已經有打簿機 美國到今日銀行簿仔仲要用手寫
- 嚟過美國都知D道路凹凹凸凸咁

我都知好難咁比 但係如果你未嚟過既你會以為美國好勁 當你嚟過就知同你心中諗既唔同
Seriously, you guys just aren't suited to living in the West. I guess Asia's more for you if it's late night shopping or K or being able to download porn quicker.

You should listen to yourself talk o ...
huit 發表於 2011-11-20 03:09 PM

作者: huit    時間: 2011-11-23 06:13 PM

咁我又唔係話要成個美國就晒我~ 但係就係覺得佢頹~
留心我係覺得個國家頹 我係覺得悶但係唔頹~
As an Asian ofcoz Asia is more for me. I never deny that;] Asia rocks! HK rocks!
btw我唔係岩岩嚟 住得愈耐愈覺 ...
rossho 發表於 2011-11-23 11:16 AM
Well, if that is your "criteria" for judging a culture with a rich history, then I know exactly what type you are, that is just typically the mentality of an Asian FOB - I hope you do realise how superficial those views are. The fact you can dismiss an entire country by what people wear, and jump to conclusions by the state of the roads.

As for knowing where HK is - trust me, nobody in the West gives a shit about HK. People only care about things that are important to them - what exactly is HK's world standing? Hate to break this to you mate, but if nobody knows you or where you're from, then you're obviously not worth knowing. Objectively, it's one city in China. And  for 150-odd years it had to be run by white people, yeah that's what they'll think. Time to take a reality check and realise how small you actually are. Don't like it? Then stop whinging and try and change the status quo.

As for going to the US, please... I was sent to New York by my old company for training for 6 months when you were still in school, and have also travelled there. Three times in the last 10 years in fact. Do I love the US? No, but I've learned not to be dismissive about a place I know so little about and I would suggest you do the same.

Oh and don't go to Europe either, you'll hate it even more, here, I'll even give you the excuses you'll use: because in Paris there's dogshit everywhere, there are black people too everywhere in Europe you go, the roads are just as bad unless you're on the Autobahn/Autoroute/Autostrada, even fewer people can speak Chinese to you and nobody knows/cares where HK is either. Crawl back to your little hole in HK as soon as you can, because that's the only place you can survive with mentality like that.
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2011-11-23 07:04 PM

Ooooo, hash.  But he/she deserves the wake up call.
作者: huit    時間: 2011-11-23 07:31 PM

Ooooo, hash.  But he/she deserves the wake up call.
norman.ho 發表於 2011-11-23 07:04 PM
Kids these days...
作者: 小籠包    時間: 2011-12-19 05:30 PM


作者: qbean    時間: 2012-1-6 03:00 AM

i agree!!!~
7# rossho
作者: mcmugcute    時間: 2012-1-6 04:10 AM



作者: popoeliz    時間: 2012-1-6 06:56 PM

1# rossho
Checkout all the national park. Check out
作者: 1388888    時間: 2012-1-6 11:30 PM

It depend which state do you live in, also your personality and how to fit in.........

I never have this problem, party, dating, dinning, 唱K, sport event......etc, always fully occupied every weekend.
作者: 112200    時間: 2012-1-7 11:00 PM

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作者: nyman1211    時間: 2012-1-31 10:35 AM

咁我又唔係話要成個美國就晒我~ 但係就係覺得佢頹~
留心我係覺得個國家頹 我係覺得悶但係唔頹~
As an Asian ofcoz Asia is more for me. I never deny that;] Asia rocks! HK rocks!
btw我唔係岩岩嚟 住得愈耐愈覺 ...
rossho 發表於 2011-11-23 11:16 AM
作者: laikitang    時間: 2012-4-7 12:32 AM

ya...boring nothing to do!
作者: aqun520    時間: 2012-4-7 07:26 PM

作者: wind0207    時間: 2012-4-7 08:41 PM

You can always go clubbing.  At the very least, there should be bars.
作者: 等你5年    時間: 2012-4-13 01:43 PM

very good
作者: 77111    時間: 2012-4-27 09:51 AM

You get some and you lossed some!
I was came to Seattle 23 years now, is was home sick when first year. I have no friend and the sky away look cloundy, rains and more rains for month wet and cold. lonely and lonely. Now I get to used to it. Asian contry or America up to you my friend.   
If you choose America you need to learn and live in Lonely and Lonely!!!! Bicyle or 4 door Benze
up to you my friend!
作者: strivewind    時間: 2012-6-9 04:30 PM

you can't expect to have a similar living style when you live in a new country.  You are not in HK anymore, you will have to adjust yourself in order to fit in.  It is not easy, but it is the only way to do so that you will not keep having a miserable feeling anymore
作者: skyblue716    時間: 2012-6-10 10:20 AM

Come on guys, have you ever traveling to other places in NY ?? then please do not judge it as such boring !! You can drive to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Washington DC or Boston and such....they all have plenty of museums. Even in NYC has police museum, fire museum and so on....

作者: 896782    時間: 2012-6-10 11:25 AM

咁我又唔係話要成個美國就晒我~ 但係就係覺得佢頹~
留心我係覺得個國家頹 我係覺得悶但係唔頹~
As an Asian ofcoz Asia is more for me. I never deny that;] Asia rocks! HK rocks!
btw我唔係岩岩嚟 住得愈耐愈覺 ...
rossho 發表於 2011-11-23 11:16 AM
To be honest with you, it really depends on which area you live. I don't see any problem when I am living in the Urban area, such as LA Downtown and Seattle Downtown.
作者: micell    時間: 2012-6-10 08:46 PM

作者: movie338    時間: 2012-6-19 09:41 PM

Every place has its own things to do. Live near the mountain: hiking, near the sea: swimming, snorkling, in the city: museums, movies, skating, read a book, hang out with friends, try out a new restaurant, shoot some mahjong, get a hobby, educate yourself.
To be bored is just a poor excuse to be lazy.
作者: JackyNelson    時間: 2012-6-20 03:24 AM

作者: movie338    時間: 2012-6-21 03:16 AM

I went to Guangzhou and Shanghai a few months ago. You can never say it's boring, in fact, there's no room to be bored. People everywhere shoulder to shoulder. You literally want to go home to enjoy a little bit of solitude.
作者: 綠水    時間: 2012-6-21 07:17 AM

作者: h0560083    時間: 2012-6-23 07:48 PM

hellosuki 發表於 2011-11-20 08:35 PM
Life is something that you search for yourself. It will not drop from heaven.
作者: 55173    時間: 2012-6-23 08:20 PM

我以前是愛爾蘭做野,仲悶啦,悶到你想都想唔到咁悶,的商店或零售店每日 5 點就關門,淨返的酒吧同電影,食野開門,星期日大部份都唔開,你話悶唔悶死人....
作者: Jeremyc1205    時間: 2012-6-25 02:33 AM

作者: rina922    時間: 2012-6-29 07:34 AM

yes ... boring ..

i always work and after work go home...
作者: r77hk    時間: 2012-7-3 09:44 PM

LIFE 係咁架喇, 睇開點
作者: subsub000    時間: 2012-7-4 12:23 PM

我從香港移民外國, 才發現生活可以這麼充實. 以前在香港, 生活中只有工作. 在外國, 我可以有時間發展自己的理想和目標.

如果你覺得悶, 為自己找一些理想和目標. 如果覺得沒有幾個朋友, 就給自己定下目標, 為結識新朋友而努力.
作者: lucky2012    時間: 2012-7-4 12:49 PM

So boring in USA.
作者: cs042982    時間: 2012-7-6 11:42 PM


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