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原帖由 felixng2007 於 27/11/2007 06:32 PM 發表
i am poor give some money to me haha
原帖由 ljw1982 於 27/11/2007 06:37 PM 發表

hahaha... you just change your pic la....:024:
wer got ??
anybody c that ^^??
原帖由 ljw1982 於 27/11/2007 06:40 PM 發表

haha... nvm...:024:
i know you know god will know...
don like that la
原帖由 ljw1982 於 27/11/2007 06:39 PM 發表

how come la...your family so rich....
have to ask from your family la...
if you want me to give you...
you have to join our gang la...
原帖由 ljw1982 於 27/11/2007 06:45 PM 發表

hahaha... these day seen like you are so free ar...
can everywhere blow water
i hv 2 setle this sin
u go n cc ^^
原帖由 ljw1982 於 27/11/2007 06:53 PM 發表
hahaha... have to fast fast settle la....
or you can pm these two ppl.----->woofy, harugawa
ok la ^^
原帖由 felixng2007 於 27/11/2007 06:54 PM 發表
free transfer??? hehe, i think me alone got more money then ur family......can i buy ur club?
he club got how many $$??
原帖由 felixng2007 於 27/11/2007 06:56 PM 發表
that two people does not come here often now...but i can find them from some ehere, join us la, we are good , no brother family haha.....
walao aa ..
原帖由 ljw1982 於 27/11/2007 06:59 PM 發表
ok la... everyone is time for me to go la....:014: :024:
bye bye la...
so fast =.=
原帖由 felixng2007 於 27/11/2007 07:00 PM 發表
don;t trust me???????? how much do u want me to put in felix account to show u now? 100000000 now? easy
gv me some la 10%ok?
原帖由 felixng2007 於 27/11/2007 07:06 PM 發表
u join us and i am sure u will be rich easy......honest easy rich plus win soe games.
try sin but now i hv 2 settle 貴族天堂 business sin
原帖由 felixng2007 於 27/11/2007 07:18 PM 發表
try us no regret, the reason that we don;t get many members cos we do not accep everyone in this family, so many time got reject if account very new or fake account......
join us la many good thing to ...
c lo
after settle that si ^^
原帖由 假書僮 於 27/11/2007 07:55 PM 發表

原帖由 假書僮 於 27/11/2007 08:12 PM 發表
