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回復 #567 engchang 的帖子

原帖由 engchang 於 2007-12-3 10:06 AM 發表

:019: :019: :019: 你不要見到我在這裡啊?
hehe...nola...dun cry dun cry
(shh...)dun chat with ah lai~ he's bad ppl, call me aunty, hng

回復 #575 engchang 的帖子

haha...he go to rest oledi ^_^
ya 2day no class...2molo got lo..once a week..hehe:onion14:
hehe wait u come back u can eat lo...
u there no such foods ma??
u wan 2 stay how long there??

回復 #581 engchang 的帖子

hehe...den u juz bear for few years...very fast one ma..
maybe when u back then u ll miss uk leh?? hehe...
gambateh...go go go:onion05:

回復 #584 bernardlhtan 的帖子

hehe...u FedEx to engchang lo..@uk there o...hehe

回復 #594 engchang 的帖子

你5使理ah lai既啦。。

回復 #587 人一个 的帖子

aunty again...slap u ar...:onion03:

回復 #600 engchang 的帖子

good afternoon ^_^

回復 #604 lenykoy 的帖子

yea...juz now 12pm eat le...i m still here arr

回復 #606 lenykoy 的帖子


回復 #608 lenykoy 的帖子

got ar..sometimes got say...nobody choi me arr..so...hehe...nvm lo..seldom blow water oledi la...退休啦。。:onion18:

回復 #610 lenykoy 的帖子

hehe..u no need retire la..
i retire :P

回復 #611 nesta0013 的帖子

yameh??? hehe... dunno arr... din notice :P

回復 #614 lenykoy 的帖子

thanks lotz..guy..:onion14: