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原帖由 1=1 於 2008-7-20 21:01 發表
so mean me can take $10000 liao loo
thx loo....... xiao kia wayne 7
who at 200th 贴 only can get!!
pai xia1!
原帖由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 21:03 發表
sien, nobody wan reply me
coz u hv a big knife!!
all scared u!
原帖由 Gabriel_Lum 於 2008-7-20 21:04 發表

more pls....1,000,000
u give ah???
thank ya!
原帖由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 21:08 發表
my big knife jx use to kill hollow, since u mention early u not hollow so u no ned scare

hacker i wont kill, jx leave 4 gabriel kill
u dunwan killl us thn v will hack u!!
原帖由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 21:11 發表
i now study in upm, u all study at utar???
wat course u take??
原帖由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 21:15 發表
i take chemical engineering, u all DC02 is wat course????
computer science and computer crack and hack
pro right???
原帖由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 21:19 發表
me also hav one fren study at tarc, u all take wat course de?
told u ady!!
v all same course, they type wrong liao, our course is computer crack and computer hack!!
i wan get the 200th, i wan money!!
原帖由 edwin10 於 2008-7-20 21:27 發表

he wan i dunno...but my 2 year...RM7000oni....then u form where...dun tell me u from music kingdom ...
ya, he is!!
原帖由 1=1 於 2008-7-20 21:28 發表
i'm segi college students
tars students
segi gia, find more segi gia to join our group!!!

原帖由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 21:32 發表
raytian study now or working?
where u studying or working??
200th place no lioa!!!
原帖由 edwin10 於 2008-7-20 21:35 發表

harrrr...原来this call 灌水ar....sorry lie...i dun know...
deduct his marks!!
原帖由 raytian 於 2008-7-20 21:38 發表

i half study half working~in klang lo~
painful lo like that!!
原帖由 CC517 於 2008-7-20 22:08 發表


i haven't sleep yet!!