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Canon is a famous brand for making camera while Sony is just an overall better than average in all kinds of electronic
Many people will say Canon is better than Sony if your purchasing camera which is TRUE
However, if your budget is 2000 to 3000 then its another story you have to try to know which one suits you better
To be serious 2000 to 3000 for a camera don't expect it to be professional if you want to take a picture of an insect it is going to be blurry. With that price range, the camera you purchase
Canon: picture tends to be yellow when your flash is not bright enough
Sony: picture tends to be blue when your flash is not bright enough

I tends to like the blue better simply I am not a professional photographer with the price 2390 a camera with HD function to take a movie clip zoom 20X plus I think a Sony HD20 suits me the best
家下sony都沒什麽好東西啦!一生人縂要衰一次比sony,通常第一次買音響,相機,手提電腦等都會買sony, 結果就真係like.no.other, 只此一次。樓主先去www.dpreview.com 看看相片demo在決定買什麽品牌吧!
個人覺得CANON FUNCTION 上比較好同埋實用..
SONY外觀就比較新潮....FUNCTION WISE既... 只係想用傻瓜機既功能既..
因為自己係CANON用家 =)
sony 好 用
canon.  I am a nikon user but if i have choice for canon or sony, i ill choose canon, i understand sony uses cz lens, but don't be fool with brands.  All mass production lens are polished with machine in the same way but canon has more lens choice, sony on few
you're talking about a $3000 or below DC...  can you seriously tell the different in lens quality of a piece of less than 2.5cm glass?

don't believe in the brand hype when it's just a DC....  just buy what you need depending on the functions.  everything else is bullshit talking.
Ofcourse Canon, overall, but Sony is catching up, build quality may be Sony.
Ofcourse overall is Canon, but Sony is catching up, built quality may be Sony.
canon, better performance.  sony quality is not good.
canon is better i think
我會選canon ,因為我都係用緊佢d 相機.........
不過如果講機仔,我個人又覺得,,nikon ,canon ,sony 都真係差唔多,,,,
佳能出街不會平地一聲雷 , sony每次出機一定帶來新的衝擊 ,