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first one to come in and support you
finally have this section la


回應 ~嘉~ 第 3 篇文章

sure...no problem
the problem with me is 派彩....it takes so long

PS, it's very late in HK now....why are you awake ga??


講下講下 NBA 變左寵物


原帖由 ~嘉~ 於 2008-12-8 04:19 AM 發表



原帖由 kingworld 於 2008-12-8 04:38 AM 發表
唔知 wor
要問版主先...嘉, 可唔可以講寵物


原帖由 ~嘉~ 於 2008-12-8 04:40 AM 發表
做咩我個全明星賽 遊戲冇人玩架?


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-8 12:26 PM 發表

YES< I feeling the pain,

We have to 派彩 to winner 1 by 1,   or can we 派彩 to all winners at once (as 1 transit )

So I am thinking not to open the fifth week game

then I am alone by myself
I have final exams coming.....


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-8 10:23 PM 發表

Exam First, I can do all in Dec. if you want me too
I open jor the game last night la.....but I may not have time to 派彩
maybe need to delay 派彩


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-9 12:11 AM 發表

I can do the 派彩 for you, Sir, if you pay me back.......................Triple. + Handing Fee. & Happy Holidays
pay you triple
you are too greedy
I think people will not mind the delay if I pay double


原帖由 ~嘉~ 於 2008-12-9 12:43 AM 發表

I think now it better....it's more clear and attractive


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-9 03:53 AM 發表

just wanna make some money.... it's a hardwork, you gotta pay for it

You can Do it, We Can Help.................................
thanks for your help la
I will make it up to you later


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-9 04:11 AM 發表

Thank you so much Sir..

Pocket Pocket Safe

518515 ...
try not to lose them all in one day


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-9 04:20 AM 發表


not enough for 1 day

bet what lost what

邁阿密熱火  vs 夏洛特山貓(+7.5) images/common/notice.gif                2008-12-09  08:30:00                邁阿密 ...
wow....you bet so much
I only bet on basketball.....because I don't know football/soccer


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-9 04:33 AM 發表

I won few bucks on Soccer, even though I dont know anything about Soccer because they having 波膽 on Soccer,

how come they don't have 波膽 for  basketball
what's 波膽 ar


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2008-12-9 04:45 AM 發表

like you guess the game result.  

for example, the below game, 般尼 is the favor, -0.25. so if you guess, (般尼)1:0,

IF THE FINAL RESULT IS 2:0, you still won how much you bet x 2.03. (you will wo ...
then, how can we play 波膽 for NBA wor
the score can vary from 70 to 130
you will be super lucky if you get it right

