but this girl elaine, got a little bit problem, 有点冤鬼缠身那样, last nite, from 11pm start, cal me every 10-15 minutes, hard to cut her phone, always dun wan sleep n suddenly bad temper, really mcb. today i originally sleep til 8am, she from 6am++, every 10-15 minutes cal me, ask me this ask me that. when i reach company, she oso same, always ask me, "6:30pm confirm har???", mcb!!! until jz now, i say, "YES! CONFIRM, DUN ALWAYS CAL ME, I M WORKING", i wanna scold her, but i control my temper, in order to get her free sex later, haiz................., {- `) @5 B2 s
now i hv realized that, b4 the bro gv me the hp, he told me, bcareful the girl, he say his fren received 200 mis cal!!!公仔箱論壇: U. T' r9 K/ r# q6 ~8 k
now i regret i use my original line to cal her, next times must use another new sim card to eat ROTI liao =.= |