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卷首语:加加来湖人也有一段时间了,给湖人带来的好处就不需要多说了。在看着他季后赛show time的同时,也带着大家一起来多多了解他。

Times staff photographer LoriShepler spent a couple of days recently with Lakers star Pau Gasol athis home in Marina del Ray and at several spots he visits around town.Away from Staples Center and the intense atmosphere that goeshand-in-hand with Lakers games, Gasol talked with Shepler about avariety of topics.
在加索尔的家(在Marina del Ray)中,洛杉矶时报的摄像师Lori Shepler与湖人队的球星加索尔相处了一段时间,他也参观了城里的几处地方。加索尔谈了关于斯台普斯的很多话题,例如远离斯台普斯中心还有和队友们一场场的比赛时感受着那窒息的空气。

Question: Now that you are settling in L.A., what are your impressions?

Answer: The fans are definitely a plus because we have a selloutcrowd every night. Staples is a very special building with a celebrityflavor to it, which is interesting. It was always interesting as avisitor, but now as a local it's fun and fun to see.

Traffic is obviously not aplus, distances are big, just a lot of cars. The first few days it gotme a little frustrated, but looking at the big picture it is justsomething you have to deal with.

Q: Are there any surprises since you have been here?

A: All positive. It has been great, my teammates, greatatmosphere, lot of talent. This city is in to the Lakers a lot. Thefans are really amazing, very loyal. Something I appreciate.

Q: What do you do on your days off for fun?

A: (He laughs) Drive. . . . Stay home, relax, watch b-ball, watch movies. I've gone to a couple of concerts.

When I have the time andenergy to do so. Our schedule doesn't allow us to do much. I like toeat dinner out and come back home and relax.

Q: What are your favorite foods?

A: Japanese, Italian. There aren't many Spanish restaurants. It's not the same as home, so I'll stick to other cuisines.

Q: What about in the off-season?

A: I go back to Spain.Keep myself busy a lot. I like to travel, go to the beach go to theislands, just relax and get away. Try to get away from all thecraziness. Hang out with my friends and have a good time.

Q: How was it getting to know your teammates?

A: It has been fun. Thechemistry and guys have been really good, and we do go out every nowand then. Sasha [Vujacic], I hang out with him a lot and we got prettyclose. He's like my little brother. He's a good guy.

Q: How do you get your news about the Lakers or other news?

A: Internet. I don't watch much TV news.

Q: Do you watch a lot of basketball on TV?

A: Yes I do. Usually alittle of analyzing and studying as a professional, and also I like towatch it as a fan. It's entertaining, it's fun, it's my passion, so Idon't get bored watching b-ball for a few hours.

Q: What drives you to succeed in basketball and did your parents play a big role in your success. Do they give you tips?

A: I'm a very ambitiousguy and a big competitor so I guess I'm always very hungry forsucceeding and winning. Basketball is a big passion in me and justbrings out energy and a force that is rare for me to bring out. That'swhat brings me to where I am today -- that ambition to become great,one of the best.

They criticize a little somenights, they know what I'm capable of. [They might say,] 'You didn'thave your best game,' 'Today was flat on rebounds' or 'Why didn't youshoot more or pass the ball more?' Stuff like that. More of a familything not a technical thing. I have enough talent to know that.

Q: If you weren't a basketball player, what would you want to do?

A: I did one year of medical school, so I was kind of going forthe doctor thing. My mom is a doctor and my dad a nurse. Kind of runsin the family. I've always been very identified with medicine andscience. It goes back 15 years. If you asked me what I wanted tobecome, I would have said a scientist. What kind of scientist? I wantedto investigate and find remedies for all the big illnesses that affectus. So that's what I wanted to do, so that's why I ended up choosingmedicine to study at the time. But I couldn't keep up with it. I had tochose between b-ball and medicine. I chose basketball. It ended upworking out pretty well.



  • kingjames

Q: Do you look up to anyone else or does anyone else inspire you?

A: My idol and icon was Michael Jordan. That's the kind of guy Ilook up to and admire highly. That's the kind of guy that inspires me.I played against him a few times his last few years.

Q: Anything bring you down or keep you up at night?

A: Yes. Certain problems or certain issues you might deal within your life keep you awake. Being tired puts me to bed real quick.

Q: You said you clear your mind of worries. Does that mean you meditate?

A: Just try to get away, try to relax my mind, read. Keep mymind busy with other stuff. Usually my life helps me with that a lot'cause that keeps me occupied. Gets me away from certain stuff thatwould worry me if I had more time off.

Q: How do you wind down after games?

A: Go to eat dinner.Usually I'm pretty tired and sore but I do like to go and eat dinner.Depends if I have a day off or not the next day. I'll stay up a littlebit later or try to go home and get rest. Usually it takes me longer togo to sleep after games because of the adrenaline and emotion I put into the game.

Q: What about your beard?

A: That's kind of mylook. That's kind of what I'm comfortable with and the way it has beenfor the last three years or so. My first year it was totally out ofcontrol, I just let it grow. 'Caveman,' 'Grizzly,' I got differentcomments. Yeah, it was out of control so I decided to bring down towhere it is now. A little more trimmed.

Q: Can you see yourself as a Laker for your whole career?

A: I would love to. Inthis business you can't get too comfortable. Any day, any time yoursituation can change just like that. You know I would love to but atthe same time I wont rely on it and I'll just enjoy everyday that I'mhere and hopefully I will stay here for a long time. Because that willmean that things are working out for me and them.

Q:A lot of fans say that you look like you were born in to the triangleoffense. Is that hard work or natural or a little of both?

A: Well, the triangleoffense is a lot about having a good b-ball IQ and understanding whatgoes on on the floor and using certain fundamentals, the ability tomove with and without the ball, the ability to pass and make the rightdecision. Usually, I'm that kind of player and I've been that kind ofplayer for my career. It works out perfectly for my skills.

Q: Do you think you will win it all and this team has the potential to be a dynasty?

A: We have a good chanceto win. We have a really good team. Even though we have a couple guysthat are injured, especially Andrew [Bynum], who has so much potentialand upside, and we are still a really good team. It's very promisingand it's encouraging and it's exciting to be part of it. I think wehave a chance and we have the potential to win a championship. That'sthe first step, and then after that you can talk about other things.But first we are going to focus on right now and the amazingopportunity we have to accomplish something good.

Q: A lot of girls are wondering if you are single. Do you want to set the record straight.

A: [He laughs.] Ah, I'm single. I'm not in any serious relationship.




  • kingjames
