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[原創]Mykonos 希腊米科诺斯岛 [24P]

本帖最後由 bchew 於 2016-8-5 12:14 PM 編輯
: Y- h2 P  K0 r# M
. `5 b$ M8 q6 h' W6 Y+ qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb米克諾斯鎮、卡托米利風車看夕陽、小威尼斯 迷路也是種浪漫
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  • k23bb

  • SweetLemon

Infinity is the Limit for me
very beautiful photos and I love them very much especially the picture of3 y6 ]5 `. w- s, H
the china shop.  Thank you very much for the sharing and I will like to ) x! P( K, ?( Y2 t8 l
visit the place in the future.


  • SweetLemon

Wow! Nearly missed your photos, BChew.  You lucky ducky!  You must have a really nice and relaxing time there.  Greek islands (if I have not mistaken) are famous for their hospitality and relaxing life style.  These photos reflect exactly those special character.
% K7 q5 F7 L- g- V( E5 A& \. A公仔箱論壇
6 }7 Q+ M, D6 bI truly feel the Greeks deserve every tourist dollar that is spent there; compare with so many other countries, Greece is not wealthy (actually their finance did go bankrupt not that long ago), yet they have the humanity and generosity to give a helping hand to all those refugees fleeing from violence and starvation from their homeland.
! z0 R0 d# V4 F8 o2 D- e4 A/ u1 e: C7 H9 W" N
Thanks again for sharing these beautiful shots.  Very nice.


  • SweetLemon

A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
When my friend said after her trip back from Greece, everything seems cheap.7 p% G) h& a- u* |
8 R5 v0 g9 Q: K0 D
Its a picture perfect album.
7 }3 ~5 N& ^, k$ e$ OA very colorful town with white as major background.  White can go with everything.
& Q+ B: W* ^  `7 l$ a$ W: ?1 h8 C& y9 vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Thanks for sharing Bchew.
Indeed, it was really relaxing and nice place!


  • SweetLemon

Infinity is the Limit for me
Looks like I have traveled to this places after looking at all these photos.tvboxnow.com/ P) @& g5 A6 I  p4 m; j: i( v7 X


  • SweetLemon

Very attractive country.公仔箱論壇' X  m- x; c$ |1 n
Totally awesome. Look at the sun and the water. Amazing.
  @( j8 T$ B- p# |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Thanks


人一世, 物一世, 影番張相最實際.
意境十分優美 , 拍出當地風彩!  多謝分享!!!!!


Wow...bchew,Norman 好久不見了
3 n- C* K4 T! D& B, e. ttvboxnow.com大家還好嗎?


  • SweetLemon

9# k23bb 我好好!你呢!
Infinity is the Limit for me
希腊米科诺斯岛  這裡房子很有創意房子真是美麗又奇特又有海邊可以玩水 又加上人來人往真是很熱鬧  還有船可以坐真是好地方 也很適合人居住地方 這裡有誰不愛


9# k23bb
4 @) v5 B# z& T; ?! e2 utvboxnow.com
: d0 b  e9 r1 K8 a2 ]tvboxnow.comHello k23bb, not visiting this page often enough, missed your greeting; but as always, its better to be a bit late than never :D6 l3 Z* F; [, ^; [8 Y
I am well, thanks.  Not seeing much of you lately either.  I still remember your promise for a yumcha when I come to HK.公仔箱論壇: L) j9 `! c+ n- c! c
I take that as a rain-check.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.



