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Hello [ 無 ] 寵物家族成員
got some PM ad leaflet from tyktyk22000 about your family.  Hope you dun mind I type in English becoz I nearly can't type chinese (mostly copy and paste)
I ve got some questions:
What requirements needed to join family?
What kind of Duties and Responsibily required after joining?

(如有需要我可以copy and paste 上邊做中文, thx a lot)
P.S. 新年快樂
請進入寵物區 按寵物家族 再按申請

至於 Duties and Responsibilities 應該是開開心心地打怪吧

rex1000 發表於 2012-2-2 07:04 AM
icic, 開開心心地打怪.
So if no problem i click the button la.  No objection? :P
hope see u all later.  
PS the page [寵物家族] always needed to load load load ...(zzz).. for ages
Hello all.
新人報到 請多指教
Thx for those welcome gift cards yumiko
and 恭喜發財 打怪掉好東西 利是利是 拎來
本帖最後由 chocomint 於 2012-2-3 05:54 AM 編輯

Thx for your gifts and money, HIDE, Yumiko, fak5496, kragito and 班馬.  有點受寵若驚
that's right 你讚我也不會高興的 keke by chopper
(so much $$, well i have spent much time earning money )
youve flattened me, kragito  rex1000.  its just becoz i ve got much free time these days.

短短一個月 , 已是18轉的大法師...
, how you 2 know 我玩了多久的? 我倒看不到其他人玩了多久...
put somethings into family's warehouse ---> so simple ...
icic, never join family before :P
and that's why you know my registered date.  and i can't see other people's info wuwu...
話說,有可能有這寵物系統的外掛嗎?十分好 ...
fak5496 發表於 2012-2-3 07:55 PM
i think it cant use 外掛 since you have to type Verify code and answer some weird questions after playing sometimes.
the only way may be just leave the pet there when doing other things else to earn a little mins of online time...

well, i am not so good in computer, so there must be someone know better

PS. I am happy to team and play with you too terrywudy
That's also why I love to see them when i am using 8x $$ card
....我之前要三下才能打死 每次要打第三下時 都顯示已死亡 哈
Me too, dunno why they often are dead before I kill them.. o my 8x $$
welcome naccy
小小心意 some can be used now. have fun

naccy大型HP藥水102012-02-05 00:43:25
naccy大型MP藥水102012-02-05 00:43:19
naccy耐力之靴12012-02-05 00:42:54
naccy敏捷之靴12012-02-05 00:42:50
naccy智慧之靴12012-02-05 00:42:44
naccy力量之靴12012-02-05 00:42:38
naccy狂暴盔甲12012-02-05 00:42:30
naccy耐力之頭盔12012-02-05 00:42:09
naccy敏捷之頭盔12012-02-05 00:42:06
naccy智慧之頭盔12012-02-05 00:42:01
naccy力量之頭盔12012-02-05 00:41:54
naccy古森林項鏈12012-02-05 00:41:29
naccy昆吾劍12012-02-05 00:41:17
naccy雷坎特之劍12012-02-05 00:41:04
welcome ppschk1
小小心意, some can be used now. have fun

ppschk1大型HP藥水102012-02-05 00:49:40
ppschk1大型MP藥水102012-02-05 00:49:35
ppschk1敏捷之靴12012-02-05 00:49:13
ppschk1耐力之靴12012-02-05 00:49:09
ppschk1力量之靴12012-02-05 00:48:48
ppschk1智慧之靴12012-02-05 00:48:45
ppschk1狂暴盔甲12012-02-05 00:48:34
ppschk1智慧之頭盔12012-02-05 00:48:12
ppschk1敏捷之頭盔12012-02-05 00:48:09
ppschk1耐力之頭盔12012-02-05 00:48:05
ppschk1力量之頭盔12012-02-05 00:47:55
ppschk1古森林項鏈12012-02-05 00:47:35
ppschk1昆吾劍12012-02-05 00:47:12
ppschk1冰封神劍(冰)12012-02-05 00:47:00
本帖最後由 chocomint 於 2012-2-5 02:44 AM 編輯



P.S. My spare 法神權杖 又化為灰燼 ...*sigh* 最鬼憎抽獎
3q3q finally got the Legendary 十五倍經驗卡
係咪法師裝more difficult to upgrade
welcome spawn0414
dont have much to give.  小小心意.  have fun
spawn0414氣血術領悟之書52012-02-06 01:54:29
spawn0414多重攻擊領悟之書12012-02-06 01:54:24
spawn0414耐力之靴12012-02-06 01:52:28
spawn0414敏捷之靴12012-02-06 01:52:25
spawn0414智慧之靴12012-02-06 01:52:21
spawn0414力量之靴12012-02-06 01:52:17
spawn0414復活寶石52012-02-06 01:51:45
spawn0414復活寶石52012-02-06 01:49:45

收禮人物品名贈送數時間cat14051十五倍經驗卡302012-02-06 12:11:40tyktyk22000十五倍經驗卡102012-02-06 12:10:19happy721022十五倍經驗卡102012-02-06 12:09:10hung321十五倍經 ...
yumiko123456 發表於 2012-2-6 12:20 PM
Thx a lot yumiko123456 and  pashushita
本來今晚目標係18 --> 19轉

但用咭昇, 梗有幾分鐘俾佢食左
綠幽靈 發表於 2012-2-6 11:18 AM
me2, sometimes even died for it *sigh*.  I can understand 不要冇心機喇, may be tonite you will got 4 mins added by system la.  
congrats cat14051
you ve worked really hard