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实在受不了她。样子身材超好。但每次都觉得她广东话,烂得不行。上次仁心解码也觉得她英文不怎么好,偏偏要秀几个英文单字在句子里头。炒烂的广东话加上不怎么好的英文,就超不自然。 好像好几部戏了,广东话都没怎么进步。只要她开口说话就觉得恶心。特别在这次古装剧,那奇怪的广东音根本就破坏了整套戏的逻辑。拜托她可以先修练广东话吗。。。不然干脆就找人配音好了
宜家差唔多每齣戲都有个呢D鄉音王,突然好懷念陳法拉tvboxnow.com4 v3 e, X5 k; ^9 v( `$ y* p
叮叮面 發表於 2013-4-28 01:47 PM
我想問: 說討厭她的是不是都是女性觀眾?
3 y5 e0 D5 v2 d5 r0 y, ypull3 發表於 2013-4-29 01:42 AM
& f- h- i# m# S" b哈哈。我是女性。是受不了她声音和演技。把她放在镜头还是很养眼。只是不喜欢她开口说话
Isn't she back from Canada? Shxt English? How come?, [* R# n) E" S9 X6 r5 V9 l
Eliz3535 發表於 2013-5-16 07:50 PM
: q! Z7 F0 J+ |1 t0 q0 k: d. }Try comparing her acting from On-call 36 hours with Aimee Chan from the latest tvb drama slow boat home. (I guess that's the name of the drama). you can see this lady stuttered even at short English phrases in on-call 36 hours. whereas Aimee Chan can easily shout many complete English sentences fluently. I don't care where she comes from, but from what I heard, her English is very much less fluent than those genuinely raised in Western country.
35# wk_leung
5 _4 ~2 r! v$ L7 N& n" I2 [( @公仔箱論壇要是一個沒那麽漂亮的演員,廣東音不准出現在這劇情,你會不會放過她呀?呵呵