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回復 #1503 whatisthis2007 的帖子

ohh...hahaha..i see i see..u bully ur brother arr?? :P
now u at home?

回復 #1533 yang5301 的帖子

wow...i like this song ^_^

回復 #1545 lenykoy 的帖子

i oso dunno when i get new hp

回復 #1574 lenykoy 的帖子

why so sien

回復 #1578 lenykoy 的帖子

i m here mah...lol:014:

回復 #1577 哈利斯兵团 的帖子

come come ''blow water'' la ^_^

回復 #1585 哈利斯兵团 的帖子

malaysia @ kl
u leh??
haiz...i wan to scream le...:onion03: :onion03: :onion03:

回復 #1626 untori 的帖子

assignment dunno how to do larr
started blur :onion03:
dunno who to ask...ahha...no friend in class:019:

回復 #1630 nesta0013 的帖子


回復 #1633 untori 的帖子

wan to cry le...
okla thx...
i go le..:onion05:
anybody home???

回復 #1812 leo_04236 的帖子

i oso not d family member:019: