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本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2014-2-3 08:03 AM 編輯

【Colonel Meow(喵上校)去世】一生威武霸氣、被中國網友戲稱為'鼇拜"的、最憤怒喵星人“喵上校(Colonel Meow)”,因心髒問題,1月30日永遠離開了這個世界。它毛長22.87公分,曾被吉尼斯世界紀錄列為世界上毛最長的貓咪。鼇拜大人,一路走好!

RIP Colonel Meow, 'The Angriest Cat in the World'-Fri, Jan 31, 2014
He stole the Internet's heart with his foreboding stare, angry disposition and ferociously fluffy mane.
Colonel Meow, notoriously known by all his fawning fans as the "The Angriest Cat in the World," has sadly departed us Wednesday evening, leaving behind a legacy far beyond any other feline's dreams.
"Colonel Meow passed away yesterday evening," his owner, Anne Marie Avey, wrote in a Facebook post Thursday.