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Arrrrrrr... so 正經。。。not real。。。。。
I am not a dirty boy la
blueocean 發表於 2011-5-6 09:01 AM
Worried for Happy仔,she also in Taipei, and same age.....
Happy 琴琴聲。。。

You said you want to get dirty

cck_my 發表於 2011-5-6 10:12 AM
CCK burst another lie of blueblue....
i also dont know what they talking about " 乜野叫做爬墙? "
lilitan008 發表於 2011-5-6 11:44 AM
爬牆 = 偷偷摸摸?

爬牆 = 偷偷摸摸...偷情
chowold2 發表於 2011-5-6 11:53 AM
You want to step on 貓 toe?
First of all, in Mainland of China, they restrict and censored the internet so that user within the country can't access to certain website like Youtube, Facebook & etc. Unfortunately this forum url a ...
cck_my 發表於 2011-5-6 12:01 PM
so, cat is now 爬牆 = 偷偷摸摸...偷情 ....
lilitan008 發表於 2011-5-6 12:00 PM
齊齊報, 貓頭鷹虐貓
CC517 發表於 2011-5-6 06:05 PM
Orchid - best to send to pc shop the quickest way to get back online unless you have standby pc.
I was advised to uninstal explorer and used google chrome as browser instead today.  I am using firefox.  You might want to look into different browser like me,  I cannot signed in anywhere with explorer.  I clicked something and its permanent disaster.
Lemon sweet dinner time!!! what do you have to eat?
orchids 發表於 2011-5-6 06:13 PM
Stir fry ginger chicken with black sauce only can get in Malaysia.
Malaysia 老抽靚咩,台湾金蘭不好嗎?
orchids 發表於 2011-5-6 06:27 PM
Its not 老抽 its 黑油。
Where got name one?  (Malaysian English - hehe)
6844# orchids

#7162 黑油
lilitan008 發表於 2011-5-6 09:35 PM
lilitan008 發表於 2011-5-6 09:41 PM