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Frustrating new CAS server issue

本帖最後由 vdwin1999 於 2012-2-23 11:25 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇& q. @7 f  ]6 F0 `* r
公仔箱論壇7 X1 l; c# i- x8 V: S  U! C
I have a very frustrating issue that several of us have been looking at and are completely confused.  We have three CAS server that are dual cas/ht, one UM server and one mbx server.  The third CAS server was just put up last week.  The other two work great, all features function properly.  We have a netscaler doing load balancing for the cas array.  Once the third cas server came up Play On Phone in outlook only does not always work.  OWA works great every time.  If we remove the third cas server from the netscaler, eveything is back to normal.  I have checked certs, settings, you name it several times and cannot find out what could possibly be different with this last CAS server.  If I go directly to the cas server name /owa and use play on phone, works great.
完全同意呀!  真係對個角色越來越失望, 佢明知高生對佢有野, 如果佢真係一個正經人, 一早就要下定決
2 Q6 M$ A! p8 ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb心辭職嚟避開個男人啦! 佢唔避,即係擺到明俾位個男人同佢繼續有進一步發展啦!  除非佢係低能㗎啦, 如果唔係點會連咁簡單既人際關係都handle唔到呀!
- w$ t# e" ~7 S, ?8 q' v2 n# vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。才会让人生气
其实她心里潜意识是想跟她老板高生的,不过过不了良心,不就为自己找借口献身给他老板咯。 什么钱债肉偿只是她的借口而已好使自己良心好过点, 同时还可以扮可怜扮天真博同情。 这类女人最恐怖了,她可以是做错事,可是可以弄成好像她没错似的, 分分钟受害者还变成罪人,而她原凶反而变成好像受害者这样。
完全同意呀!  真係對個角色越來越失望, 佢明知高生對佢有野, 如果佢真係一個正經人, 一早就要下定決: F, C% ?+ F2 @+ K0 g
心辭職嚟避開個男人啦! 佢唔避,即係擺到明俾位個男人同佢繼續有進一步發展啦!  除非佢係低能㗎啦, 如果唔 ...
) n3 h  R  N0 K0 V' m公仔箱論壇shiroikoala 發表於 2012-2-5 11:16 PM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 l( f* |9 ]- }7 ?# E7 x; M

2 K0 E/ U5 h% l可能佢真係低能呢~
没办法 都这样~~
佢既結局咪係左右蓬源, 到頭來得個桔掛。
本帖最後由 vdwin1999 於 2012-2-23 11:59 PM 編輯 tvboxnow.com  I* B( y5 e+ y. [1 E
公仔箱論壇, _: n! \7 g. i1 J' \6 Y5 J
Is there any frame topic so far? Cause otherwise it's just too unclear... I would definately made use of the fact that the conference takes place in HK.