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thanks for the info..very helpfull, but when i tried to convert with TMPGEnc, an error message occurred:  Can't load "P3Package.dll".  Any solutions?
原帖由 cur_ell 於 2006-7-15 10:40 AM 發表公仔箱論壇2 H; U! S3 T) ~* }% z4 d" D" ^
thanks for the info..very helpfull, but when i tried to convert with TMPGEnc, an error message occurred:  Can't load "P3Package.dll".  Any solutions?
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8 z$ C, b2 _% a5 ~0 a- e1 xtvboxnow.com) p8 B  O, X8 G$ v3 {
Ok, nevermind...problem solved!