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有, 大公司好多有
成人網係IT 部自己set 左blk,唔駛check 左先
i think my boss does. I don't check others. But i see my colleagues go on facebook and other forums all the time
我公司block 左好多網, 好多都上唔到...
Definitely, most large companies has email and internet use policies.
better dun online with nonsense when work lo..
上班上到頭昏眼花, 總要輕鬆下!
我认同register2388所写, IT部基本上所有上網或下载都会有紀錄
If your PC require log in to the server to do normal work. then it means whenever you log in, all activity that you have type, click, etc will be automatically logs in files under your log in ID.
and also Boss or IT people PC can remote access your PC screen at anytime. And you will never notices it. cos it is called share screen. ~!_!~.
一定有, 我公司都會, 仲會每個月都有個 check list 比你部門經理睇下有幾多時間上網+上去邊個網 有晒 log in 時間
基本上要查你, 好多地方, 好多方法都知道, FIREWALL, ROUTER, PC, NETWORK CAPTURE, 唔好講上網內容, 就算你在PC到按過咩制都一樣知, 有部叫AUDIT SERVER 知道曬