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5 ?. x$ [6 f! O  ?1 H3 j
I haven't done anything with calculation yet until now, so I didn't know about who is going to get the prize when I replied your PM. I just would like the numbers chosen to be different so different ...公仔箱論壇5 ]4 ?: V3 z+ V8 @+ O' h2 D9 y1 X! H
gracechanstuart 發表於 2015-9-19 04:05 PM
since, most of the posts are done by penny and me, any combination of the calculation results will very likely end up to either penny or me.  as you stated we are not allow to the the winners, i want to know who is lucky enough when you push going to the next poster, to the next poster to the next next next poster.
' W5 ^9 `  a/ \1 A- ^" x! TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。恭喜羊叔叔以一帖之差,險勝獲得第四名。
% P6 C6 Q, }; Q恭喜貓貓獲得第三名公仔箱論壇. \, ~3 G/ ?% ~3 z
- l0 l- j5 k& D8 D( `1 }tvboxnow.comchenwenwu 發表於 2015-9-19 04:06 PM
8 E/ n: u: e# Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, a- r$ u* j% H6 }# [

6 u9 b9 ?& g2 b/ L. `' u; {7 r
Congratulation Penny and you  get the first and the second prizes  tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! a. y6 D" ]) Y
satoshi23 發表於 2015-9-19 04:19 PM
& P1 y. o& X- Z" _5 ]$ U3 B8 U公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇8 k  @% O6 N- H
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 M; ~* T: A$ D4 B

, M3 x. x! K! f- | $ f' v9 `) Y" L
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 U5 D6 ?& M/ C6 n0 B; _9 @
唔係呀! TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# g) A9 e1 C1 a0 a* s0 s$ n
free2penny 發表於 2015-9-19 04:44 PM
tvboxnow.com" ~' x# F1 r& u  Y2 y
係米奇老鼠世界! 歡迎入場玩!. ]; B' _% h& x+ a
free2penny 發表於 2015-9-19 04:47 PM
' R  f2 b, u! J6 Q5 L做什麼事多謝我呀!: x0 z% p. |* l, t
free2penny 發表於 2015-9-19 06:46 PM
呢只老鼠又幾得意哦tvboxnow.com. s2 C4 x" _0 J2 I% M; e0 H
lhy92725 發表於 2015-9-19 09:53 PM
thank you
如果 再搞的話再算....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! }  P; e9 \1 v0 L+ ~6 `# J
satoshi23 發表於 2015-9-19 10:15 PM
time to take a break!
多謝 C 兄、財大、言爺、grace姐 、遊戲第2期彩金…
C 兄、財大、言爺、各位好!
4 [, z1 G( L' h  U- G
) j- U- N- G( ^2 JTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。grace 姐午安…
C 兄、財大、言爺、grace姐  早午晚安好!
本帖最後由 gracechanstuart 於 2015-9-20 07:29 AM 編輯
  w6 P7 L* U/ H, x7 M, Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
4 p7 A% H, R; }* K0 A$ V
C 兄、財大、言爺、grace姐  早午晚安好!
9 `. U1 S/ u$ X" ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvbfree2penny 發表於 2015-9-20 07:14 AM
" c4 j- Y. K4 rtvboxnow.comPenny 早晨!! 請看 你既 PM!我等緊你復我呀!
% F8 W3 P* q# j* t2 [
Penny 早晨!! 請看 你既 PM!我等緊你復我呀!
% T# \/ _& n: kgracechanstuart 發表於 2015-9-20 07:25 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 ^5 B1 I9 ~, x  c! R3 X
5 \0 P& j- \% h7 T  S; X多謝言少統籌
8 E$ }6 ^' L) G3 h1 T# Wtvboxnow.com多謝Grace嘅派金